The manga was also published the first of three volumes of the Super Danganronpa 2: Sayonara Zetsubou Gakuen manga, known as Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair in North America, on March 25, 2020. Monomi appears at the end of the final episode of the first game's 2013 anime television adaptation Danganronpa: The Animation. Super Danganronpa 2 was originally released for the PlayStation Portable in Japan on July 26, 2012. A limited edition was available, which included a Monokuma PSP pouch, an art booklet, a soundtrack and audio commentary CD, keychains and badges, and a download code for a custom theme. The English release has finally come out, so I'll be playing it today! The demo for the dubbed version of Super Danganronpa Another 2 is now out! This demo includes both the prologue and the entirety of chapter 1, entirely playable now.
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Super Danganronpa 2: Sayonara Zetsubou Gakuen |
Also known as: Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair This game has unused areas. |
Oh dear, I do believe I have the vapors. This page contains content that is not safe for work or other locations with the potential for personal embarrassment. Such as: Obligatory nude shower scene, and Chiaki's pantyshot. |
Super Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair Academy is what happens when Danganronpa goes on vacation.
Super Danganronpa 2 Another
- 3Unused Area
- 4Unused Graphics
- 4.1Early Character Designs
- 4.2Placeholder and Test Graphics
- 5Danganronpa Leftovers
Prerelease Info |
Logic Dive Maps DIVE DRIVE |
Unused Character
A model named, which features running and idling animations. This character seems to originate from the PlayStation Mobile SDK, and based on its name is most likely a placeholder for Monomi in the Magical Girl Miracle ★ Monomi minigame.
Unused Area
Unused Court Room
A leftover courtroom from Chapter 3 of Danganronpa. Unlike the ones used in Danganronpa 2, Monokuma's chair and the stands are simple textures.
Unused Graphics
To do:
Early Character Designs
These designs are attached to 2D model files. Because of the way the game handles these particular model files, the original images are vertically squished, distorting how the characters should appear. The majority of the following images are model renders, which retain the intended body proportions. However as a result of this, the lower half of each body is quite blurry due to a lack of image data. Most of these are identical to the character's concept art that appears in the in-game gallery and on the official box art, though some have minor differences.
Hajime Hinata
EarlyFinal |
Nagito Komaeda
EarlyFinal |
Super Danganronpa 2
Chiaki Nanami
EarlyFinal |
Akane Owari
Akane's shoes are black in this early sprite, but white in the final version.
EarlyFinal |
Nekomaru Nidai
The flower on Nekomaru's pant leg was removed in the final.
Early Design 1 | Early Design 2 | Early Design 3 | Final |
Sonia Nevermind
EarlyFinal |
Kazuichi Soda
EarlyFinal |
Gundham Tanaka
EarlyFinal |
Byakuya Togami
Early | Final | Early (Deceased) | Final (Deceased) |
Mahiru Koizumi
EarlyFinal |
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
EarlyFinal |
Peko Pekoyama
EarlyFinal |
Mikan Tsumiki
The red cross on Mikan's apron was replaced with a design of intersecting red stripes, most likely because the Red Cross is trademarked.
EarlyFinal |
Ibuki Mioda
EarlyFinal |
Hiyoko Saionji
EarlyFinal |
Teruteru Hanamura
EarlyFinal |
EarlyFinal |
EarlyFinal |
Monomi (Trial)
EarlyFinal |
Placeholder and Test Graphics
Spot Selection
These eight images depict points of interest that can be selected in a scene. Their in-game versions are included below each for comparison.
Spot Selection |
In-Game |
A scene from the first game, where Makoto first meets his classmates.
Spot Selection |
In-Game |
The beach house, after the second murder.
Spot Selection |
In-Game |
The masked hanging scene at Titty Typhoon.
Spot Selection |
In-Game |
A schematic for Strawberry House and Grape House.
Multiple instances of this file are present, for numbers 146 through 172 and 182 through 197.
A versatile placeholder screen for cutscenes. Comes equipped with numbers.
A placeholder screen for the time bomb in Jabberwock Park. The text translates to 'Going down... Time until destruction: [...] Days'.
A placeholder item graphic that reads Monokuma File 1. A Monokuma File is a key item for each trial that details the murder.
A placeholder icon for gallery mode. There are copies for numbers 145 through 150.
Two test graphics for the 'Island Mode' minigame. The image on the left simply details obtaining certain items, or accomplishing certain tasks. The list graphic is intended to scroll vertically in the empty space on the right image. The white text at the top of the right image reads '行動中 / In Progress'. This section of the image was replaced with an animation of Monomi flying between Start and Finish goalposts as a timer. The white text on pink background says '早送り / Fast-Forward'.
Japanese | English |
ケモノ肉 | Beast Meat |
接着剤接着剤接着剤接着剤接 | GlueGlueGlueGlueGl |
海藻 | Seaweed |
宿をキレイにした! | Cleaned the hotel! |
ジャバラルド | Jabbamerald |
体力がすこし回復した! | Recovered a little bit of energy! |
牛乳 | Milk |
These strings repeat in the left graphic three times in a row. '宿をキレイにした! / Cleaned the hotel!' is slightly different here compared to the final version of the game, where it's written '宿を掃除した'. The '体力がすこし回復した! / Recovered a little bit of energy!' message doesn't appear in the final game, but would have likely been used to show the results of a character resting.
Unused Demo images
A save file icon for a demo version of the game which was never released.
Byakuya has a mugshot for class trial discussions that goes unused, and Usami has a mugshot for Nonstop Debates. Neither of these characters appear in trials (except as Monomi in Usami's case), but Byakuya's Nonstop Debate mugshot is used for his Shot Through the Heart event in Island Mode. It might have been intended for a Demo trial where a different murder happens, and Usami does not get transformed into Monomi for the case, similar to what happens in Danganronpa and Danganronpa V3.
Placeholder Truth Bullet graphics that say Positive and Negative; for the 'Affirm' and 'Deny' bullets in Shot Through the Heart events in Island Mode.
The game uses mist overlays during the 'Man's Nut' shower scene to cover up Mahiru and Hiyoko, but the base image is a lot more revealing, including nipples for Mahiru drawn, surprisingly.
Much like the previous image, the scene of Chiaki facing the camera in Chapter 6 has Chiaki's thighs and underwear(?!) drawn on the moving part for her legs, but most of it is covered by her skirt.
Danganronpa Leftovers
To do: Tons, including Influence/Focus Gauges and Hangman's Gambit graphics. |
Chapter 3 Early Designs
Both the early and final designs for Danganronpa's Chapter 3 murder artwork are leftover.
Early | Final |
Dithering Test
The dithering test images make a return. The various levels of dithering are more prominent in the evidence images.
A leftover present icon.
Gallery Icons
150 gallery icons are leftover from the first game.
The Danganronpa series | |
PlayStation Portable | Danganronpa: Kibou no Gakuen to Zetsubou no Koukousei • Super Danganronpa 2: Sayonara Zetsubou Gakuen |
PlayStation Vita | Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc • Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair • Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls • Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony |
PlayStation 4 | Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc • Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair • Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony |
Windows | Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc • Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair • Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony (Demo Version) |
iOS | Danganronpa: Unlimited Battle |